The Culture

The food culture of Antigua and Barbuda is a fusion of African, British, and Caribbean influences. The cuisine is known for its use of fresh fish, fruits, and vegetables, as well as locally produced spices. Traditional dishes include pepperpot, a stew made with meat, okra, and spices, and fungi, a polenta-like dish made from cornmeal. Seafood is also a staple in the cuisine, with favorites such as conch fritters, fish cakes, and grilled lobster. The island's vibrant food culture is also reflected in its street food scene, with popular treats like saltfish and bake, and coconut dumplings. Fruits such as guava, mango, and passionfruit are used to make refreshing beverages and desserts. The food culture of Antigua and Barbuda reflects the diverse history and flavors of the islands, making it a must-try for visitors.

⭐ The National Dish ⭐

  • Fungee and Pepperpot

    Fungee and Pepperpot is a classic dish combining cornmeal-based Fungee, similar to polenta, with a hearty stew known as Pepperpot. The stew is rich with slow-cooked meats, okra, spinach, and other vegetables.

Other great dishes from Antigua And Barbuda