French Guiana

The Culture

The food culture of French Guiana is a vibrant mix of indigenous, African, and European influences. The cuisine is heavily rooted in the use of local ingredients, such as cassava, plantains, and fresh seafood. African flavors and cooking techniques have also left their mark on traditional dishes, bringing bold spices and stews to the table. French cuisine has had a significant impact as well, with baguettes, cheeses, and pastries making their way into everyday meals. In recent years, the influence of Asian and Brazilian cuisine can also be seen in the diverse food offerings of French Guiana. Overall, the food culture of French Guiana reflects the country's diverse history and influences, resulting in a unique and delicious blend of flavors.

⭐ The National Dish ⭐

  • Bouillon Awara

    Bouillon Awara is a dish that features a unique blend of African, European, and indigenous influences. The main ingredient of this dish is the awara fruit, which is a type of palm fruit found in the Amazon region. The fruit is peeled, boiled, and mashed to create a flavorful puree, which is then simmered with various spices and herbs. The result is a rich, hearty broth that is often used as a base for other dishes such as soups, stews, and sauces. Apart from the awara fruit, other key ingredients that give Bouillon Awara its distinct taste include chicken, beef, or fish, as well as vegetables like carrots, okra, and cassava.

Other great dishes from French Guiana