The Culture

The food culture of Kiribati is rooted in their island lifestyle, with an abundance of seafood and coconuts being staples in their diet. Traditional dishes often include fish cooked in coconut milk, taro root, and pandanus leaves. Eating together as a community is an important aspect of Kiribati food culture, with meals being a time for sharing and socializing. Special occasions such as weddings and festivals also involve large feasts with a variety of dishes. Breadfruit, bananas, and other fruits are commonly eaten as snacks, and tea is a popular drink. The food culture of Kiribati reflects the strong connection to nature and the importance of community in their way of life.

⭐ The National Dish ⭐

  • Palusami

    Palusami is a dish that consists of young taro leaves filled with coconut cream and onions. The leaves are then wrapped and cooked in an underground oven or on a stove top until they reach a tender and creamy texture. The result is a rich and savory dish with a melt-in-your-mouth consistency. Palusami is often served as a side dish to accompany meals, especially during special occasions or gatherings.

Other great dishes from Kiribati